KJV the Book of books
Thank you for stopping in. Hopefully the material in these pages will be what you are looking for as I will try and provide different aspects of the Christian way of life.The AV1769 (Authorized Version) is the finished work of the original AV1611 Holy bible which is what you have today in a camebridge King James version.
There are many books out there but only one Holy bible.....
This website will be underconstrution for a good part of its life as I am learning how to lay code out which isn't the esiest thing when you have minimal knowlegde on the subject. Thanks to Lord alimighty I am able to figure it out somewhat.
I am Christian and was saved in 2011. My upbrining was mostly Catholic based which means I have minimal knowledge of the bible except for what was taught in school, being: Jesus died, rose again, moses parted the sea, there was a good samaritan, the last supper and so on. I was baptized, had first comunion, went to confession and was confirmed by the bishop and still was lost. I was never told about salvation or anything. by 2011 I was 28 and lived a pretty destructive life by the grace of God I am still here. The journey of my salvation began when I found some information on wieghtlifters not only using steriods which I was 100% against but apparently using sorcery to gain strength. As outlandish as that seemed at the time, the youtube video showed a connection to these people and free masonry. Now going back before this I was into that whole truther movement;(and unable to come to the knowledge of the truth which is in Christ Jesus 2 Timothy3:7) so I contacted this youtuber his channel I beleive is still online called musclemissions. I asked him 2 questions: 1 which denomination is correct because from my research they are all owned by the illuminati? 2 which is the proper version of the bible because there are so many? And a miraculous moment happend when he replied. He wrote I can answer your second question and sent me a link to Gail Riplingers New Age Bible Versions(I will add a link below). She details the freemason conections to the new versions and explains in detail why the King James version is the word of God. Now I could go into detail on why I knew certain things on why I disliked secret societies and whatever else it was a good decade of reading into conspiracy theories... After I finished the video I ordered a bible from AVpublications(link is in the links section) and in the back of the bible there was extra notes. When I was in elementary school you used to find old textbooks where people would write go to page 121, you turn there and would say go to page 3... On and on. At the end would be a message. Sometimes books would different endings as you read them because they would hit a point and say make a descison continue on from page 89 making the reader in control of how the story plays out. Well it was a similar feel as the note said turn to such a page and read this verse... and at the bottom would say turn elsewere so on. By the time I turned back to the end I was taught what salvation is by the scriptures. There was a note on what salvation is and if you beleive by the words God wrote you may pray this prayer. Going from lost to saved right there. Since then God has made drastic changes in my life which I am still working on. And hopefully the Lord can do work through these pages to help you in anyway possible.